Thursday, December 16, 2010

It's great to be 8

Kaylee turned 8 on 10/10/10 this year! She wanted to have a Halloween party with her friends, Then on Nov. 6th she was baptised by her dad. We had a wonderful day spent with family and friends. I am so proud of Kaylee and so glade the she is my girl!

Friday, September 10, 2010

Five Facts

Ashlyn turned 5 on September 2nd, so here are 5 facts about my 5 year old.
  1. She is alot of fun.
  2. She has a contagous smile.
  3. She is so brave, when I take the girls into get shots, she will go first and not even shed a tear.
  4. She is very determined.
  5. She is funny, she always keeps me laughing.

    1 year old
    2 years old
    3 years old
    4 years old
     5 years old

    Ashlyn- Even though you are growing up and changing so fast, I know that the things I really love about you will always stay the same.
    HaPpY bIRtHdAy !!!


Friday, August 20, 2010

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Fun in the Sun

This summer we bought Seven Peaks season passes, and oh the fun we have been having!

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

We did finish

I'm sure that there are some of you that are dying to know about the triathlon. Well let me just tell you some of my thoughts on the subject. The day of the race I was nervous and excited. Then when we finally got to the fine city of Price I became REALLY nervous and excited. It felt kinda like child birth, the day was finally here and the only way out of it was to just do it.

So here we are just before it all began, sporting are race numbers and really cool helmets that we borrowed from some friends. I think Casey's big white head is seriously attractive ha, ha, of course I took the nicest one, sorry Hun.
So we took off on the run, and I soon had to slow down into a walk because let's be honest for me running is a bit painful, anyway Casey stayed by me and we finally finished the run. Then off to the bike it was really a fun course parts of it was quite dark, and those people with really nice street bikes whizzed right past us, but that was alright because when we arrived at the pool it wasn't crowded and we swam our 350 meters. and made it to the finish in just under two hours.
Go Us!

Monday, June 21, 2010

Lunitic Triathlon

We'll as of lately Casey and I have been training for a little triathlon, it is in just four short days, GULP, I had better start cramming. It is going to be at night and will consist of a 5k, 9 mile bike ride, then a 350 meter swim. Sounds crazy just remember I am not a runner, I had forgotten how to ride a bike, and I had not done any swimming for years!
So I think just finishing this is going to make me a winner!

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Emergency Room

Well last evening Ashlyn was climbing a stool so that she could climb a tree. Anyway needless to say she came crashing down. And I took her right to the emergency room. She was really nervous and scared. But she was also really brave and good. She did have a little bit of nervous chatter going on.
Ashlyn: What is taking the Doctor so long?
        Me: I don't know he must be really busy.
          Ashlyn: I think he is watching cartoons.

                   Me: Probably not, but you can ask him.

           Ashlyn: Well then probably the News.

This is Ashlyn just before he stitched her up.

And this is 14 stitches later.

This is when we got home. Her sister Kaylee was so worried about her, so she made this sign for her.

Monday, May 17, 2010

A few new happenings

Ashlyn got her ears pierced. She was so brave, she did squeeze my fingers rather tightly other than that not a flintch or tear or anything!

    Kaylee got  a new hair cut, and has now lost her two front teeth.

And our little Reagan has gotten really good at being sassy and sweet!

Friday, April 2, 2010


Reagan, at 15 months old finally went from this:

To this:

Way to go Reagan Roo, we love you!

Friday, March 5, 2010

A new Blogger

I thought it was about time I started to blog. So here it is Jill's Joys, stay tuned for some posts with pictures...............