Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Fabulous Forth

Our family loves the 4th of July, it is definitely one of my favorite days of the whole year! This year I made my family start the day off with a little bike ride.

Oh and I made my dad trail behind us in case the little ones got tired. (Thanks Dad)
We just rode into town to my mom's house where she had made breakfast.

After breakfast we went to Mt. Pleasant for a small town parade!
I think most of us had a fabulous time. After the parade was over we went to Casey's moms house for some lunch. We just enjoyed a lazy afternoon visiting with family.
Then it was time for sparklers!

After sparklers and some street fireworks we went to the High School to finish our fabulous fourth with a big BANG! God bless America! Home of the Free, because of the Brave! Thanks to all of the men and women who serve our Country.